Thursday, June 12, 2008


" 两只小猫, 两只小猫, 爱完闹, 爱睡觉,
怪叔叔来拍照, 怪阿姨来骚扰, 大不妙, 快闪为妙!"

小灰猫:" 妈咪, 我饿了, 要奶奶..."

小白猫: "哎哟, 还缠着妈咪要奶奶?! 看我, 自己找到吃的啦!
兄弟一场, 分你一点吧!"

小灰猫:" 什么来的噢? 好吃咪?..."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No one can beat us by Hacking our website.. Anwar's website was hacked just now this proves to the world that Anwar is new Prime Minister.